Conference Proposal

This woman is Furuq Farrakhzad. An Iranian woman born in Tehran, She became “…Iran’s most famous poetess…”, and how “ …No other secular nonconformist woman had such a powerful impact as Farrokhzad on Iranian women’s history” (Women and politics in Iran ,189). Through her all her versions of work of art, we will see how she combated and discuss about those who didn’t have all their rights. Such as, The Captive, The Sin, The Wind Up Doll, The Wedding Band, The House is Black, O-Jeweled-Studded land, and To Ali His Mother Said One Day. I am researching Faruq Farrokhzad‘s work of arts, her poems and her documentary. So that my audience can understand what the Women of Iran was subjected too and why they need to fight and voice out their inequality. So my audience can understand How did Faruq Forrokhzad work of arts discuss about sexuality, family life, motherhood, the poor, the disregarded and of course feminism, and what did she do to connect to her audience, to make her audience understand and empathize with these sects of people who have been undermined and discarded? 

Furthermore, with the dissection of  Farrakhzad, we will get a detailed understanding on what her works spoke about, on what her works spoke for, and on what her works spoke to, and how she was able to speak to her audience .